How to Get Your Holiday Shopping Done Whilst Retaining Your Sanity

Holiday shopping for Christmas in 2015 can seem overwhelming. However, if you break everything down into small actions, allocate your budget accordingly, find everyone a gift within your budget, and have it wrapped with a few days to spare, then guess what? You did it. Here then are our top five tips to taking care […]

Best Gas Station Snacks in 2015: Stay Healthy While On the Road

You’re stressed, frazzled, and running late to a holiday gathering. Your plan is to pick up something to eat on the way—fast food, gas station—a reward for getting in the car and getting everything done. You deserve a calorie-heavy sack of grease and fat, right? Don’t do it. A few nights from now, when you […]

All-Season Tires vs. Snow Winter Tires: What’s the Difference?

The difference between all-season tires versus those made for snow, ice, and winter is that winter tires provide a clear advantage when driving over snow, ice, and even freezing surfaces, compared to all-season tires. Snow tires use special rubber compounds that don’t harden in cold temperatures. This allows them to provide much more grip, and […]

Acura Fuel Economy: 2016 MDX, RDX, RLX, ILX, and TLX

The fuel economy of Acura vehicles is likely to see a massive improvement over the next five to 10 years because of government regulations that require less consumption of fossil fuels. However, that does not mean that an Acura you buy today will be outdated by tomorrow. Instead, Acura is making changes to its current […]